
Importance of Vitamin C..

Birds are particularly sensitive to nutritional deficiencies because they have a high metabolic rate. The metabolic rate indicates how many calories are burnt to stay alive. Birds are calorie furnaces and on an inadequate diet, they will quickly develop malnutrition and compromised health status.

Vitamin C is very controversial as all parrot’s manufacture or synthesizes their own vitamin C. It is however just as important for the avian as it is for humans, as it strengthens the immune system. There are however times when the birds need more vitamin C, during breeding or times of stress. Vitamin C is also known to prevent anaemia, poor digestion, decreased resistance to infections, bone and

joint disorders and dry skin and feathers. Therapy using vitamin C may help with allergies, high cholesterol, sinusitis, gout, diabetes, heart disease, cancer prevention and kidney disorders. The absorption of iron and calcium are increased by adequate intake of vitamin C. Foods high in vitamin C

also works as antioxidants which help free the body of daily toxins.